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Free Director Helpline: 0800 644 6080

Advice for directors struggling with health issues


What support is available if my business is struggling due to my mental health problems?

If you're struggling with mental health problems and your business is losing money, as a result, seek professional medical advice and explore company rescue options from a licensed insolvency practitioner.

My business is suffering due to depression/ill health

If the stress of running a business is taking a toll on your health, you’re far from alone. It isn’t unusual for entrepreneurs and people in business to feel such debilitating stress and anxiety that their health is seriously affected in the long-term.

We understand the pressures and strain you are under simply trying to keep your business afloat, and can offer much-needed professional help at a difficult time. It’s so easy for financial control to slip through your fingers – the loss of a key customer, an unexpected bill, or a decline in your market – and these are all catalysts for a downward change in financial fortunes.

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It’s often the fear of failure and pressure to succeed that keeps people motivated in business, but if the stress is not helping and your business is suffering, it’s time to take a step back and look strategically at what you can do.

Are you taking on too much responsibility yourself? Could any business area be outsourced to relieve some of the pressure? Getting professional medical help for depression can also be a turning point.

Simply by talking to someone who understands, you may see that it isn’t simply burnout that you’re feeling, and that working so hard might feel like the right thing to do, when in reality it’s not helping you or the business.

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Not weakness

Cutting back on your workload because of ill health, whether physical or mental, shouldn’t be seen as a sign of weakness. Running a business can be very rewarding, but even in the best of times, overwork can lead to long-term health issues that are difficult to recover from.

What makes things worse is that depression can be a taboo subject for some, but there is help available, both medical and practical. We have a team of experts who understand all the stresses and strains that running a business can cause. We completely understand why you’re feeling burn-out, and can offer professional guidance to turn things around.

Struggling with depression at the same time as running a business is an almost impossible situation, especially when company finances appear to be going downhill. We have contacts with many lenders around the country if you need a quick cash injection, and can provide the light at the end of the tunnel that you desperately need.

Real Business Rescue offers same-day consultations to discuss your options – call one of our expert team today.

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Real Business Rescue are here to help

Still unsure whether liquidation is right for your company? Don't worry, the experts at Real Business Rescue are here to help. Our licensed insolvency practitioners will take the time to understand the problems your company is facing before recommending the best course of action going forward based on your own unique circumstances.

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