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What Is the Difference between Administration and Receivership?


Difference between Administration and Receivership

When a company is struggling financially, there is a very good possibility that it may be wound up by creditors through a formal insolvency procedure. It is the intent of these creditors to recover any money due to them which could entail the sale of the business and any of its assets. On the other hand, there are times when a business can be turned around with the help of an administrator who will take control of the company during that timeframe. If you are the director of a distressed company, it is important to understand both procedures and how they will affect your business.

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Company Administration

Administration is a formal procedure in which an insolvency practitioner is appointed as the administrator by the company directors, the company itself, its creditors of the company's debts or the Court. Once an administration order is granted, all legal actions against the insolvent company (including receivership and winding up petitions) are stayed for a period of about 8 weeks, during which time the administrator can draft a plan of action and propose it to creditors during a creditors meeting. The administrator assumes control over all assets and business operations with the goal of acting in the best interest of the company’s creditors, in order to repay as much as possible.

Corporate Restructuring Options

When a company is in difficulty, sometimes a process of financial and/or operational restructuring is needed. From CVAs through to Administration, there are a range of rescue and recovery options to help you get back on track.
Learn more about restructuring by calling our team -  0800 644 6080

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Receivership and Liquidation

Receivership is a process in which a creditor appoints a receiver over one or more of the insolvent companys' assets or properties specified in a legal charge within a secured loan agreement. If the charge contains a provision that allows for express appointment then receivership can happen quickly and sometimes without sufficient warning. Although the exact privileges and rights of the receiver arise from the terms of the individual loan agreement, all receivers must abide by legislation.

Administration vs. Receivership

From the company directors’ standpoint, receivership offers virtually no advantages because it will inevitably result in the loss of control of the assets of the company and often ultimately as well as the complete liquidation and dissolution of the company in most cases. On the other hand, administration simply puts control of your company into the hands of an experienced insolvency practitioner who will then develop a plan of action while the administration order is in effect. The options that may be examined during this time include a pre-pack administration sale, invoice factoring and other forms of financing, and the sale of some of the company’s assets.

Can’t pay CBILS or Bounce Back Loan?

Don't worry - there are thousands of other company directors in the same position. If you are struggling to keep up with your Covid loan repayments, speak to a member of the Real Business Rescue team to discuss your options. It's Free & Confidential.
The team are available now -  0800 644 6080

Can Administration Be Used to Avoid Receivership?

If the company has enough assets to sell or is able to arrange a pre-packaged sale, then it may be possible to avoid receivership altogether. However, if the administrator is unable to find a buyer for the assets and goodwill then the liquidation and dissolution of the company would commence. Entering into a voluntary administration early is sometimes the best way to maximise your chances of avoiding liquidation, receivership, or any other negative action against your company.  It also helps to preserve the value within the company.

Need to speak to someone?

If your company is struggling with unmanageable debts, squeezed cash flow, or an uncertain future, you are far from alone. We speak to company directors just like you every single day, and we are here to give you the help and advice you need.
Call our team today on 0800 644 6080

What can I Do When Facing Receivership?

When a secured creditor is threatening to appoint a receiver, there is absolutely no time to waste- especially if your loan agreement allows for the creditor to appoint one themselves. Do not wait for them to take action before you start defending your company. Speaking with a licensed insolvency practitioner about options and possible outcomes as soon as possible is often the only way to avoid receivership, as the procedure is typically imminent when an individual director attempts to negotiate or postpone it without professional assistance.

If your company has been unable to keep up with financial obligations and you’re concerned about the possibility of going into receivership, or you’d like to discuss the option of administration, call us today to participate in a free consultation with one of our turnaround specialists and find out how we can help you mitigate or avoid this hardship altogether.

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