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Real Business Rescue

Free Director Helpline: 0121 609 1253

Insolvency Practitioners & Liquidators in Solihull

Liquidation and Business Rescue Advice in Solihull

“Hi, I’m Mark Malone, and together with my team, we make up the Solihull office of Real Business Rescue. I am a licensed insolvency practitioner and I am here to help both company directors and sole traders who are struggling under financial distress.”

Mark is a fully licensed and qualified insolvency practitioner, and is also a Partner here at Real Business Rescue. From the Solihull office, Mark and his team help company directors from across the West Midlands, advising them on all aspects of business rescue, recovery, and turnaround.

10,000+ Tests Completed

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For Ltd Company Directors


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It is an unfortunate fact of business, that many companies will experience financial distress on some level at some point. While this is never desirable, the most important thing is that you do not ignore the problems and hope they will resolve themselves on their own accord.

We understand that seeking the help of an insolvency practitioner is a difficult step to take, but no matter how bad you feel your company’s situation is, there is a solution to your problems, and an insolvency practitioner is the best person to help identify what that solution is.

Mark and his team will take the time to understand the challenges you are facing, before fully explaining your options. This may involve a restructuring of your existing liabilities to help make these more manageable; this can be done on an informal basis with your creditors, or this can be made legally-binding via a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA).

Get in touch

Don't Worry - There are thousands of other company directors going through the same process. No matter what position you are in and need looking for options, speak to a member of the Real Business Rescue team. It's Free & Confidential. Get in touch with your nearest office today on 0121 609 1253

Company administration could provide the time and space needed to devise an appropriate strategy while ensuring the company is protected from creditor-initiated legal action.

As well as being able to utilise both formal and informal turnaround processes, we can also help close those companies which cannot be saved. We are able to act as liquidators in matters of company liquidation, and once appointed we will handle the whole process on behalf of your company. 

10,000+ Tests Completed

Free 60 Second Test

For Ltd Company Directors

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  • UK's leading business funders
  • Free Brokerage Service
  • Full Market Access
  • Over 30 years' experience
  • Strong relationships with HMRC
  • Support from start to finish
  • 10,000 potential buyers
  • 12,000+ Businesses Sold
  • 60+ Years Experience
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We provide free confidential advice with absolutely no obligation.
Our expert and non-judgemental team are ready to assist directors and stakeholders today.